Video 1: Low back exercises while lying down
Posterior pelvic tilt
- Knees bent up and feet flat on ground
- Flatten you back down into the ground while drawing in your belly button
- Should be a small movement
- Back muscles should feel relaxed as you do this
- 3 sets of 10, work up to holds while breathing
- Knees bent and feet flat on ground, feet and knees in line with your hips
- Squeeze through your glutes and drive your hips up towards the ceiling
- If you feel a cramp, bring your feet in closer to your body
- Make sure your knees stay in line with hips and they don’t dive in
- 3 sets of 10
Sidelying clams
- Lie on your side with knees bent up towards chest
- Keep feet and knees stacked on top of one another
- Lift your top knee towards ceiling keeping ankles together
- Don’t roll backwards
- 3 sets of 10 on each side
Video 2:
Low back pain exercises while standing
Single leg stance
- Stand near kitchen counter or something sturdy
- Stand on one leg
- Keep hips even by squeezing your glutes
- Start with 10 seconds and work your way up to 1 minute
Standing hip abduction
- Stand near kitchen counter
- Stand on one leg and kick the opposite leg out to the side
- Don’t lean to the side
- Keep foot pointing forward
- 3 sets of 10 on each side
- Stand near kitchen counter if needed
- Start with knees and feet hip width apart with feet pointing forward
- Slowly sit your bottom backwards like you are sitting in a chair
- Keep your knees in line with your 2nd toe, don’t go in or over your toes
- Start off with a small movement and work towards 90 degrees
- 3 sets of 10
Video 3: Neck pain exercises while lying down
Chin tuck
- Lying flat on ground or on bed with 1 pillow
- Gently push your chin straight down into the ground/pillow
- Will look like a slight nod
- 3 sets of 10
Supine punches
- Lying flat, keeping neck in good neutral position
- Straighten out your elbows and bring arms up towards ceiling
- Punch towards the ceiling by rounding out your upper back
- 3 sets of 10
- Can make harder with 1-5# weights
Video 4: Neck pain exercises standing
Rows/scap squeezes
- If you have a theraband, use that
- If not, use soup cans or something light
- Stand tall with good posture by setting shoulders down and back
- Start with arms outreached lower than shoulder height
- Squeeze shoulder blades and bring bent arms back towards your trunk
- 3 sets of 10
Lateral arm raises
- Start with good posture with shoulders down and back
- Use light weights or canned goods
- Keep elbows bent at 90 degrees
- Lift arms up towards ceiling like you have “wings”
- Do not let your elbows go higher than shoulder height
- 3 sets of 10
Pec/chest door stretch
- Single arm door stretch
- Find a wall and place your forearm on the frame
- Keep elbow lower than your shoulder
- Use opposite leg to step away to feel slight stretch in front of chest
- If painful, lower your arm down as much as you need
- Hold for 30 seconds, 2x
- Double arm door stretch
- Find a doorway and place both forearms on the frame
- Place one foot in front (does not mater which foot) and gently lean forward for a slight stretch
- Hold for 30 seconds, 2x
Exercise routine Level 1 Lower body
Warm up: 2-3 minutes
- Walk around your home or performing standing marches in place
- 10x sit to stand
- Use dining room chair or couch to stand up and sit back down
- Use kitchen counter if needed
- 10x calf raise
- Standing with support if needed
- Rise up on to your toes
- 10x hip abduction kicks
- Stand on one leg and kick opposite leg out to side
- Repeat on other side
- 10x hip extension kicks
- Stand on one leg and kick opposite leg out to the back
- Repeat on other side
- 10x step ups
- Step up onto 1 step and step back down
- Repeat on other side
- Rest for 1 minute
- Repeat 2-3 times
Recover and rest
Exercise routine Level 2 Lower body
Warm up: 2-3 minutes
- Walk up down your stairs or around your house
- 10x body weight squats
- Can use weights if you have them
- 10x single leg calf raise
- Rise up onto toes of one foot, maintaining your balance
- Repeat on opposite side
- 10x lateral touchdowns
- Use one step and keep one leg on the step
- Slowly lower your opposite leg down towards the ground
- Sit back into it so your knee does not dive forward or in
- Do not put weight onto the lowering leg
- Repeat on the other side
- 10x reverse lunges
- Step back with one leg and drop down so both knees are at 90 degrees
- Step back to starting position
- Repeat 10x on one leg and 10x on the other leg
- 10x curtsy lunges
- Remain stationary on one leg
- Drop other leg back/side to perform a curtsy
- Bend front and back knee to around 90 degrees
- Repeat 10x on one leg and 10x on the other leg
- Rest 1 minute
- Repeat 2-3 times
Recover and rest